In the complex world of hiring and employment, ensuring legal compliance during the background screening process is paramount. Providence Screening offers specialized services like Federal Criminal Searches and FACIS Level 3 screenings to help businesses navigate these legal waters effectively.

The Importance of Federal Criminal Searches

Federal Criminal Searches are essential for uncovering criminal records from federal courts across the United States. This service is particularly relevant for positions involving white-collar crimes, drug offenses, and other federal offenses. It’s a crucial step in ensuring that your hiring decisions are informed and legally sound. Learn more about Federal Criminal Searches.

Understanding FACIS Level 3 Screenings

FACIS Level 3 screenings go beyond basic background checks. They provide a comprehensive review of an individual’s professional and ethical history, including any sanctions or exclusions from federal healthcare programs. This level of screening is particularly important in the healthcare sector and for roles that require a high degree of trust and ethical standards. Discover the details of FACIS Level 3 Screenings.

Ensuring Compliance and Avoiding Legal Pitfalls

Navigating legal compliance in background screening is not just about conducting thorough checks; it’s also about understanding the legal framework. This includes:

  • Adhering to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and other relevant laws.
  • Ensuring non-discrimination in the screening process.
  • Respecting candidate privacy and obtaining necessary consents.


Legal compliance in background screening is a critical aspect of the hiring process. Services like Federal Criminal Searches and FACIS Level 3 screenings offered by Providence Screening play a vital role in helping businesses make informed, ethical, and legally compliant hiring decisions. For a comprehensive understanding of how these services can benefit your business, visit our Background Screening Services page.